*** An important note regarding Asters current position on Security Industry clients performing CROWD CONTROL activities ***
This segment of the market continues to harden, with many Insurers tightening underwriting guidelines and/or withdrawing entirely from this activity. Aster’s Security Liability offering via QBE does have an appetite for crowd control exposures under certain conditions. The following guide may be of assistance when considering your submission;
Venues/locations such as local community events (e.g. markets, local sports, carols by candlelight) are generally acceptable, upon referral.
Venues/locations such as cocktail bars/restaurants / some RSL & Bowling Club / Pokie Venues / Taverns etc, are also often acceptable, upon referral. However this will largely be dependent on the location of the venue (i.e. capital city, or metro/rural), and whether there is any live music and/or dancefloor. Venues/locations such as nightclubs, casinos, pubs/hotel in a capital city, are generally a decline.
Full submissions can be sent via uw@asteruw.com for our consideration.